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Language interventions delivered by parents
Roberts, M. Y., & Kaiser, A. P. (2011). The effectiveness of parent-implemented language interventions: A meta-analysis. American ...

Can Positive Aspects of Emotional Competence Prevent Internalizing Symptoms?
Samson, A. C., van den Bedem, N. P., Dukes, D., & Rieffe, C. (2020). Positive Aspects of Emotional Competence in Preventing Internalizing...

Are young adults with DLD more or less likely to commit criminal offenses?
Winstanley, M., Webb, R. T., & Conti‐Ramsden, G. (2018). More or less likely to offend? Young adults with a history of identified...

Social cognition and socio-emotional functioning
Bakopoulou, I., & Dockrell, J. E. (2016). The role of social cognition and prosocial behaviour in relation to the socio-emotional...

Mental health and the impact of bullying
Kilpatrick, T., Leitão, S., & Boyes, M. (2019). Mental health in adolescents with a history of developmental language disorder: The...

Employment in young adulthood
Conti-Ramsden, G., Durkin, K., Toseeb, U., Botting, N. & Pickles, A.R. (2017). Education and employment outcomes of young adults with a...
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