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Education, employment, and independent living outcomes in young adults with DLD
Dubois, P., St-Pierre, M.-C., Desmarais, C. and Guay, F. (2020). Young Adults With Developmental Language Disorder: A Systematic Review...

Awareness of DLD amongst workplace managers
Lemos, C. de, Kranios, A., Beauchamp-Whitworth, R., Chandwani, A., Gilbert, N., Holmes, A., Pender, A., Whitehouse, C., & Botting, N....

History of DLD and rediagnosis of Autism
Bishop, D. V. M., Whitehouse, A. J. O., Watt, H.J., & Line, E. A. (2008). Autism and diagnostic substitution: evidence from a study of...

Word-learning difficulties in adults with DLD
McGregor, K. K., Arbisi-Kelm, T., Eden, N., & Oleson, J. (2020). The word learning profile of adults with developmental language...

Does DLD affect driving behaviours?
Durkin, K., Toseeb, U., Pickles, A., Botting, N., & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2016). Learning to drive in young adults with language impairment....

Employment in young adulthood
Conti-Ramsden, G., Durkin, K., Toseeb, U., Botting, N. & Pickles, A.R. (2017). Education and employment outcomes of young adults with a...

Young adults with DLD: managing finances
Winstanley, M., Durkin, K., Webb, R. T., & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2018). Financial capability and functional financial literacy in young...

DLD and Mid Adulthood outcomes: Employment, Literacy and Mental Health
Law, J., Rush, R., Schoon, I., & Parsons, S. (2009). Modeling developmental language difficulties from school entry into adulthood:...
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