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DLD researchers: Let's work together

Although there are quite a few wonderful projects raising awareness of DLD, a project to help build research capacity was missing from the mix. E-DLD fills this gap and helps build capacity for high quality research into the causes, treatment and consequences of DLD.


We are creating a database of families and individuals affected by DLD. The aim is two-fold:

  1. To provide families with up to date scientific information about DLD in an easy to understand format

  2. To help facilitate recruitment for research projects into DLD. 


We are happy to advertise any DLD related research projects to our E-DLD members. You will need to clearly demonstrate ethical approval from a suitable ethics review board and complete our application forms below. 


We would love for you to get involved.  Please consider distributing our recruitment materials if you are recruiting children, adolescents or adults with DLD.  


See below for:

  • Our webinar explaining how E-DLD and researchers can work together.

  • Application forms to advertise your research project to the E-DLD members

  • Recruitment flyers to distribute to any families or individuals with DLD that you can contact about your research. 

  • Please email your application for approval and your advertisement detail form to


Want to keep updated with E-DLD and receive our quarterly newsletter?

Who are the E-DLD members?
  • As of August 2022, we have over 200 E-DLD parents (parents of children with DLD are under 16) and 25 adults or individuals with DLD over 16. 

  • For the children and parent E-DLD members:

    • Mean age of the children is 8.6 years​

    • Approximately 60% of the children are male

    • 84% of children are monolingual

    • 86% have siblings (we have data on whether they are older or younger)

    • 72% are from the UK - internationally 19 other non-UK countries are represented

    • 83% of those who report official diagnoses, report DLD (sometimes with other diagnoses)

      • Only 2% report a diagnosis that rules out DLD (e.g., ASD; we don't send research emails to these individuals)

      • The majority of the other reported diagnoses reported reflect a diagnosis of DLD just using other terminology

      • About 10% of parents don't fill in this section of the sign up survey

  • We send yearly survey invitations out to all of our E-DLD members ​​​

    • This will eventually help form an open access database showing children's development across time. ​

Watch our webinar explaining how we work with researchers:

Share your research

Have you published research on DLD? We'd love to add your findings to our research summaries.


Step 1: Download our template


Step 2: Summarise your study and email it to us


Step 3: Our team will review your summary.
We may make some tweaks to the language to ensure it can be easily understood by all readers.


Step 4: When we have a free slot, we'll post your summary on our website. We'll also create a Twitter thread to publicise this work.



Help us reach more E-DLD members

Please consider passing along this information leaflet or poster to either existing families or individuals with DLD you are working with or to new participants you are recruiting.  Please don't forget about E-DLD when you're recruiting for future projects!  Remember, you may need to factor this into your ethics applications.

Alternatively, if you have a topic you'd like us to cover in our research summaries, please get in touch!

Contact us

E-DLD team

Department of Psychology, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY

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