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How is language related to social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in children with DLD?
Goh, S. K. Y., Griffiths, S., Norbury, C. F., & the SCALES Team. (2021). Sources of Variability in the Prospective Relation of Language...

Parent and child-report of alexithymia in children with and without DLD
Hobson, H., & Bedem, N. P. (2021). The Association between Parent and Child-Report Measures of Alexithymia in Children with and without...

Genetic and environmental influences on mental health difficulties in young people with DLD
Toseeb, U., Oginni, O. A., & Dale, P. S. (2021). Developmental Language Disorder and Psychopathology: Disentangling Shared Genetic and...

How do peer and emotional problem co-occur in children with DLD?
Conti-Ramsden, G., Mok, P., Durkin, K., Pickles, A., Toseeb, U., Botting, N. (2019) Do emotional difficulties and peer problems occur...

Can Positive Aspects of Emotional Competence Prevent Internalizing Symptoms?
Samson, A. C., van den Bedem, N. P., Dukes, D., & Rieffe, C. (2020). Positive Aspects of Emotional Competence in Preventing Internalizing...

Social cognition and socio-emotional functioning
Bakopoulou, I., & Dockrell, J. E. (2016). The role of social cognition and prosocial behaviour in relation to the socio-emotional...

Mental health and the impact of bullying
Kilpatrick, T., Leitão, S., & Boyes, M. (2019). Mental health in adolescents with a history of developmental language disorder: The...

Social skills and mental health in adolescence
Forrest, C. L., Gibson, J. L., & St Clair, M. C. (2021). Social Functioning as a Mediator between Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)...

Emotional Health and Self-Efficacy
Botting, N., Durkin, K., Toseeb, U., Pickles, A., & Conti‐Ramsden, G. (2016). Emotional health, support, and self‐efficacy in young...

Does emotion regulation affect peer problems and emotional problems?
Forrest, C. L., Gibson, J. L., Halligan, S. L., & St Clair, M. C. (2020). A Cross-Lagged Analysis of Emotion Regulation, Peer Problems,...

Do peer problems influence emotional problems?
Forrest, C. L., Gibson, J. L., Halligan, S. L., & St Clair, M. C. (2018). A longitudinal analysis of early language difficulty and peer...
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