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Dyslexia and DLD: comorbid disorders with distinct effects on reading comprehension
Snowling, M. J., Hayiou-Thomas, M. E., Nash, H. M., & Hulme, C. (2020). Dyslexia and Developmental Language Disorder: comorbid disorders...

Reading ability trajectories in children with DLD
St Clair, M. C., Durkin, K., Conti-Ramsden, G., & Pickles, A. (2010). Growth of reading skills in children with a history of specific...

Language and reading comprehension in Spanish-speaking children with DLD
Coloma, C. J., De Barbieri, Z., Quezada, C., Bravo, C., Chaf, G., & Araya, C. (2020). The impact of vocabulary, grammar and decoding on...

Intervention for spoken language and reading difficulties
Munro, N., Lee, K., & Baker, E. (2008). Building vocabulary knowledge and phonological awareness skills in children with specific...

Predicting reading outcomes
Erisman, M. C., & Blom, E. (2020). Reading outcomes in children with developmental language disorder: A person-centered approach. Autism...

DLD and dyslexia
Adlof, S. M. (2020). Promoting Reading Achievement in Children With Developmental Language Disorders: What Can We Learn From Research on...
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