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Social and emotional skills in children with DLD and reading difficulties
Sureda-Garcia, I., Valera-Pozo, M., Sanchez-Azanza, V., Adrover-Roig, D., & Aguilar-Mediavilla, E. (2021). Associations Between Self,...

Close relationships in adolescents with and without DLD.
Wadman, R., Durkin, K., & Conti-Ramsden, G. (2011). Close relationships in adolescents with and without a history of specific language...

Cross cultural views from parents of children with LD on how to help their children's social skills
Jensen de López, K. M. J., Feilberg, J., Baena, S., Lyons, R., Harding, S., Kelić, M., ... & Rodriguez-Ortiz, I. R. (2021). “So, I told...

Social cognition and socio-emotional functioning
Bakopoulou, I., & Dockrell, J. E. (2016). The role of social cognition and prosocial behaviour in relation to the socio-emotional...

Social skills and mental health in adolescence
Forrest, C. L., Gibson, J. L., & St Clair, M. C. (2021). Social Functioning as a Mediator between Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)...

Cell phone use in adolescents with DLD
Conti-Ramsden, G., Durkin, K., & Simkin, Z. (2010). Language and social factors in the use of cell phone technology by adolescents with...

Peer social networks and DLD
Chen, J., Justice, L. M., Rhoad‐Drogalis, A., Lin, T. J., & Sawyer, B. (2020). Social networks of children with developmental language...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Language Disorder
Conti-Ramsden, G., Simkin, Z., & Botting, N. (2006). The prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders in adolescents with a history of...

Does emotion regulation affect peer problems and emotional problems?
Forrest, C. L., Gibson, J. L., Halligan, S. L., & St Clair, M. C. (2020). A Cross-Lagged Analysis of Emotion Regulation, Peer Problems,...

Do peer problems influence emotional problems?
Forrest, C. L., Gibson, J. L., Halligan, S. L., & St Clair, M. C. (2018). A longitudinal analysis of early language difficulty and peer...

DLD and Prosocial Behaviour
Toseeb, U., & St Clair, M. C. (2020). Trajectories of prosociality from early to middle childhood in children at risk of Developmental...

DLD and Socialisation Strengths and Weaknesses
Lloyd-Esenkaya, V.; Russell, A.J.; Clair, M.C.S. What Are the Peer Interaction Strengths and Difficulties in Children with Developmental...
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